Havas Lemz
Together with a team of students from Hyper Island I worked on an assignment for the creative agency Havas Lemz.
Interpretation of the brief
Our main take-away of the brief was that the social model of disability interprets having a disability does not as a problem, but as a neutral given.
- We interviewed a blind and a deaf person and we discovered that they experienced their surroundings quite different from people without such impairments. The person with a sight impairment was a designer and it turned out brands were interested in hiring him precisely because of his impairment. So we started wondering what the added value of persons with a disability and their particular experience could be to brands.
- We discovered that many brands are looking for ways to enhance their brand expierence by using many senses at once.
How might we benefit from the norm-challenging perspective of persons with a disability within the creative industry to build greater confidence towards them?
We came up with the following concept. Persons with an impairment, be it sensory or not, offer a unique perspective of the world. They challenge the norms. Brands on the other hand, are looking for ways to enhance their experiences. So we came up with Makes Sense, a creative agency. Makes Sense turns persons with a disability into experience consultants, focusing on unique sensory brand experiences.